When I started to upgrade my two channel system my dealer let me audition a Cambridge D500SE against my 16 year old Mission DAD 7000.You will be amazed...it will blow away the Mission..a good start....a superior source.Well, you can imagine my surprise and disappointment ,when it was "none of the above".No change, no improvement...it certainly left me scratching my head.
That was my first lesson,there is no substitute for your own ears and my second lesson throwing money at a problem will not necessary make it go away.
Discussion forums,reading articles ,reviews all helped to get me started on my budding audio hobby.
No one can tell you the correct thing to do, only help in giving you direction.Its the ears and your pocket book that should make the final decision.
It can be a very frustrating hobby but it can also be VERY rewarding......ENJOY...HAPPY LISTENING.
That was my first lesson,there is no substitute for your own ears and my second lesson throwing money at a problem will not necessary make it go away.
Discussion forums,reading articles ,reviews all helped to get me started on my budding audio hobby.
No one can tell you the correct thing to do, only help in giving you direction.Its the ears and your pocket book that should make the final decision.
It can be a very frustrating hobby but it can also be VERY rewarding......ENJOY...HAPPY LISTENING.