Is power cord upgrade now still necessary?

I just changed my digital interconnect to a ST glass optical cable and the sound is great.
Do I still need to upgrade the power cord for my CD transport? If the improvement from power cord is something electronic, it will not pass through the glass optical cable (but can pass to the next stage by metal wire).
Not sure I understand what you are asking. But a power cable upgrade would possibly enhance the performance of the transport and since it is transport only, any improvements would be evident regardless of connection to the D/A.
I agree w/ Theo, and would like to add that a PC upgrade to the DAC will make a big(ger) difference -- regardless of how you connect the CDT to the DAC. Make sure you use a PC with 10AWG conductors like for an amp (I know -- don't ask, we can't figure out why!) Also, make sure any PC used w/ digital components has a floating shield to keep the cable from "broadcasting" digital RFI into the air.
Power cords can improve anything with a motor like a turntable or CD motor as well as improving the sound of electronics in general. Make sure you get the AC polarity right.