Tbadder might have a point with his inquiry. I say blame it on some people who have embraced the newest technology, digital amplification with all sort of power supply execution.
From what I have heard so far, I am not impressed with digital. Perhaps it is the fact that they cannot provide the heft and the dynamics that I have heard with some other SS designs. I love tubes and I also have a 300B amp. Gosh, I have about 4 amps, all 3 SS with different executions and outputs. I am not throwing anything to Audiogon in order to get anything newer...why? The new technologies will need to mature more.
What I see happening is that some traditional manufacturers will begin cutting back on their regular designs in order to allow 1 or 2 new technology based designs. Most probably they will be in the lower end of their scale. Perhaps it will have to do with what someone have mentioned 97% of their market share that is dominated with traditional products. Would they risk alienating their core customer base?
Asides from that, what manufacturer would work HARD to dilute their signature products, philosophies and designs?
Most manufacturers have specific priorities in sound and design and with new technologies, they might have to sacrifice their individuality for convenience and gain.
Look at the fact that some digital manufacturers are a garage or few body companies....Would you ever imagine all manufacturers making digitals and stamping their names in all? Audiophiles, specially experienced ones know their stuff, they are not going to fall for the same design with different brands and their premiums.
Look at Audio Research and their digitals...they are not moving well. Their traditional designs are different.
Rowland seems to have two digitally based designs....integrated and also itty monos. The itty monos do not seem to be doing all too well.
Bel Canto.....almost the pioneer of hi end digital in the US, check out their earlier designs...see the number and their itinerations. Maybe the owners jumped thinking that this would be IT, but they are selling. Ask what happen they will get next.....some major SS or tubes!
It is a good inquiry, people should not simply slap him around.