Is the Teres a

I have just read Art Dudley's review of the Quattro Supreme (Stereophile, October issue), a table spawned from the basic Teres design. (The friendship, then break-up of the original Teres group is also mentioned as a side story.)

I have no experience with the Teres but the Supreme - a design very similar to the Teres - priced at $6,000 got a "B" rating (actually meaningless, but someone's got to give it some rating because we are a rating-mad people!).

Why doesn't Chris Brady send Art a table so that he could at least give the Teres a good review and exposure?

Art's reference, the LP12, by the way, beat the Supreme in one area: PRaT.

Sorry to NGeorge for the endless OT, but it seems like a nice conversation!

No problem at all. Take the thread wherever it leads to. Any conversation about music/gear is fine with me.


I noticed you mentioned the RS Labs A1 arm.

I have ordered the 340-2.

One of the arms I have is the RS Labs. The other will be the Schroder DPS. So far I only have the ZYX 1000 Airy.

Can you give me any advice on the RS arm?.

I am looking at one of the Koetsu's as a second cartidge. Any thoughts on possible matches between tonearms and cartidges?.

Hi Bill,

I like the RS-A1 for its speed and dynamics. I have, however, an issue with its delicate nature; you can't afford to be casual with it.

It's made very different from other arms in the market. I have only compared it to my stock RB-300, which it beat easily. You have to be "careful" when handling it.

That said, having the Schroder DPS should more than make you satisfied, shouldn't it? It's one of the finer arms around, I think.

But if you can have both the Schroder and RS-A1, then do compare them and let us know what you think of them.

Hmmm, that should be an intetersting shootout!

Thom -

I see you've expanded your list of splicing block sources! I really want an Editall - I remember these from my college radio station and they were great. But there doesn't seem to be a 1/2" model at US Recording. There's one by TME - how does this compare to Editall?

Also, where do you and Peter get your CLEAR mylar 1/2" tape? All the leader tape I can find is colored.

Hope all's well,