Is there a better table than S. Scoutmaster Ref ?

Here is the question:
Is there a turntable out there that is better or just as good as the fully decked out Super Scoutmaster Reference w/Rim drive, that costs less money?
It seems that the weak point of the VPI SSM Ref may be the arm. Perhaps there are tables out there for less money that have better arms that sound and perform better?
Connections always degrade sound, can be in the form of high freq distortion like brightness or edginess or as my friend called "coherence" which alter the phase/timing and make an instrument sounds "broken". I can attest to the first form of distortion, this can easily be heard especially if setup is not perfect.

I am surprise not many people are interested in this simple mod...
>>03-30-09: Semi
Connections always degrade sound,<<

Theoretically that's true but if connections are implemented thoughtfully, none of the effects you mention are audible and needn't be a concern even in the finest systems.
would be to just break into the junction box and reterminate leads to the female Lemo there. That will allow you to use the "twist" for AS and you don't need a different way to hold the connectors. You could be really tricky about it and keep the RCAs connected, giving you a way to add cartridge loads if your phono stage doesn't have that capability.