Is there an end.......ever?

Well I am nearing the point where I am happy with the sound of my system, and starting to funnel my funds into software. I have a modest CD collection and with all of the music out there that I want I don't think I will be happy with my software for a very long time(if ever!). So the question is: are any of you out there happy with the size of your music collection that is to say not buying much if any?

For the record I have 1000+ cd's and could easily make that 5 fold, if I had the money burning a hole in my pocket that bad :) and I am sure I would have missed many "must haves" it is a curse!! Any thoughts please share.

I too have recently 'connected' (great word) with just those two CDs. If fact, I just bought plane and concert tickets to see Nickel Creek in September. I wish I could find music like that a little more often...I go to the music stores once every couple of weeks, but I rarely find recordings like those.

I remember when I went and discovered Norah Jones...I listened to the whole CD, bobbin' head and all. I remember thinking, 'All this for $9 BUCKS!?!?' I think we will be hearing from her for a very, very long time, or at least I hope so.

I certainly don't a large music collection yet, as it took me a while to learn to make a copy of the original source, and listen to CD-Rs. Ruined a lot of disks that way. But, I certainly do love going to the record shop in the anticipation of finding that CD that brightens you whole day/week/month.

Good Hunting!
I am at that point in my main system. Any changes would require a major change/upgrade in every component to make any difference worth while. Not worth the time or expense for the forseeable future. Just playing with tweeks or cables from time to time.
Thanks for all of the coments so far. I would have to concur that Norah Jones is a GREAT new artist, I saw her CD and it was $6.99 and I thought "gee she looks hot" and bought it, little did I know she was incredibly talented as well.
Wow, people are actually finding out about Nickel Creek...COOL!
Saw them in No.Hampton MA about a month or so ago. AWESOME!
If the spot where you see them is small enough (The Calvin Theatre was a little big, but they did it anyway) they will unplug and walk to the front of the stage.
It was a very strange thing, to have the ENTIRE theatre go silent, while hearing the instruments do exactly what they are supposed to. First time I have ever heard music of that caliber with no amps or speakers. The memory is making those goosebumps rise as I am typing
If you like Nickel Creek, I encourage you to check out Chris Thile's solo stuff. AWESOME! Sean Watkins solo, "Let it Fall" is pretty good too.
But, I would have to say the icing on the cake, was Eddie From Ohio, the opening act. These guys were FANTASTIC! (Better performers than Nickel Creek in my not so humble op.) They even have their own website. CD's are very very well done. It is like someone who had a simple minimalist style went into a good studio and kept out all of the crap. I strongly suggest these CD's.

Oh yeah, we were talking about music, now weren't we?

With all of the rap crap hip-hop my 18 year old listens to, there is Alan Parsons, Fresh Aire 1-5, Jeff Waynes "war of the worlds", Stan Rogers, Steve Miller...hell, even Kraftwerk in her collection! You are right to say that music connects generations. I second that motion :>)
Having a college student come home for a weekend insisting on making CD recordings of your old original Tuff Gong 1/2 inch thick Jamaican give the girls on her floor something else to play besides "Legend"..well, its a good feeling!
(Being met by a classmate of hers on move-out day recently and being introduced by her room-mate as the "guy with the radio station in his living room I told you about" was kind of strange though.....)

I have been able to buy better music than ever before thanks to my cable modem and mp3 sharing online.
When used as they were designed, mp3's have a place. I think of them as "tapes".....I burn a CD of some samples from the net then listen in the car. If I like it, I buy it.
I welcome the net's impact on music. Never before have so many talented artists out there had a way to get to the public.
Log in to Audiogalaxy and look at the front page. Listen to a few tunes by a featured artist. I surely would never have found Danny Barnes any other way. Yet he is a "punk-rock bluegrass-country cross" that would most likely never have been considered by a record company. You want something that was done with a couple of good mikes and will make a country/bluegrass/folk nut get goosebumps in front of your system? Danny Barnes. Live as it gets.
I have also loaded some pretty serious live performances. (All legal) When done at 320, live shows can be very nice. The best live Dead I have comes from the net. Better than anything live they have ever put out on vinyl pies......

I don't think it will ever be enough. I have begun to sell some of the stuff I never play anymore. In a recent sort, I almost parted with my Learning to Crawl album by the Pretenders, then played it. What a good way to discover what is in your own collection...
Tim, try to manage your music and keep only valuable ones. Sell the ones you haven't listen or not listening anymore.
Among 1000 CDs I'm sure you'll find such that you won't need anymore if you come and think logically on that issue.
I roll-over every month arround 50...100 CDs and records that I'm not about to listen for a long time or already through with these.
There shouldn't be an end!