Is there an end.......ever?

Well I am nearing the point where I am happy with the sound of my system, and starting to funnel my funds into software. I have a modest CD collection and with all of the music out there that I want I don't think I will be happy with my software for a very long time(if ever!). So the question is: are any of you out there happy with the size of your music collection that is to say not buying much if any?

For the record I have 1000+ cd's and could easily make that 5 fold, if I had the money burning a hole in my pocket that bad :) and I am sure I would have missed many "must haves" it is a curse!! Any thoughts please share.
Sorry to bounce a bit off track here. (I will re-align the heads before I am done!)
Thanks for the tip on Jack Williams, I plan on checking that out.

Chris Thile has a bunch of stuff on Audiogalaxy. He sat in on sessions with Eddie From Ohio and they are kind of like the Dead, allowing everyone to record everything.
Log in and find a tune called "When Mandolins Dream".
It might be a take off a commercial album, but I dont think so. This tune is an example of what can done by an individual with a couple of Mics!

I sure would like to start an album of the week thing here...Kind of like a list where for Folk you have one, Rock, you have one Reggae, you have one....etc. (But for Opera, they go to thier own site. Same as Rap and Hip Hop. hehe)

Happy listening!

???????? I guess I will try it and then get told that there is already a thread.....