Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?

In top of the line or near top of the line system.


I am also on the hunt for a new, better cartridge, and I expect to pay 2x or 3x more than the cost of my current cart.  With that being said, I will only buy a cart that provides significant improvement


When you state "It is only 1% improvement but it got you 33% of the remaining and it is a big deal to you.", I can agree that the logic (math) is correct, but I find the premise is wrong.  

When a system improves from 97% to 98% , in your example, it is assumed that the SQ improvement will be audible and valuable .  As many have noted in other strings, slight variations/improvements are hard to notice/remember even after a few days of listening.  I expect most AGs will not spend an extra $5K (double) for a 1% improvement.  

This is not meant to be argumentative, just objective.  There are always new-folks looking for reliable, realistic insight and advice...

Anyone ever buy demo/used cartridges? Thoughts? Experiences?

I've bought plenty both new and used. Best is buying used from hobbyist audiophiles with stellar feedback who cleans their gear compusively (i.e. check the cart picks for a "dust beard", look for a clean stylus pic). Many of us also have large cartidge rotations, so no one cart gets too many hours. Never had any issues with cartridges bought selectively this way. Dealer demos can be OK-ish, but are usually not kept nearly as clean as the best hobbyists. And if you're buying from a gear flipper whose expertise caps out at fuzzy iPhone pics, good luck. 

But if the seller is at all honest, and their feedback is to be trusted, they should be able to accurately describe the cartridge's condition, age, and performance. I've actually had a much higher rate of various issues with used (active) electronic components.

@inagroove certainly you can hear the difference or you wouldn't be chasing that last 3%.  Sure, some members he couldn't hear it and they wouldn't chase it.

but I think you need to keep in mind, when someone with an already great system says "this made a huge difference", he is talkig about a huge percentage of that last big left for him to chase.  

And indeed there are lots of Audiogoners here that spend much more than $5k chasing the last little bit, and having a blast doing it.


Another question would be whether to spend the extra money on the cartridge, or to allot the funds the arm or the table. If you have a table and arm that are at the very top level, then the funds put towards the cartridge would make sense. However, how many hobbyists have placed a $10K or above cartridge on an arm and/or table that is not up to the level of the cartridge?? Then we also have the phono cabling, little point in buying a $10K cartridge, or even a $5K one if your weak link is the phono cabling. ( and arm cabling).