Is this an right time to buy hifi?

it seems that all audio manufacturers have supply issues and delivery dates take up to 6 months ( Decware- Salk, etc). I wonder if they are forced  to cut corners and compromise the quality of components and performance. 
Personally, I enjoy the non audio stuff, though I confess that I do my financial planning elsewhere.
Has anyone besides me noticed that the vocal gold advocate is also the vocal analog advocate?

I looked and there's plenty of discussion here about TV, but let's say I can deal with the setup and don't mind waiting. What is the best time to buy a full set up including a receiver.

Also, do HSU's subwoofers ever go on sale?

I have been considering some purchases, and surprisingly, large televisions are inexpensive now, but I hear from colleagues horror stories in manufacturing with last minute new component qualifications, parts from the broker market, needing to qualify new suppliers. I would be comfortable purchasing from a large company with the resources to ensure quality component supply. I would worry about smaller companies trying to build products and keep the doors open.

I looked and there's plenty of discussion here about TV, but let's say I can deal with the setup and don't mind waiting. What is the best time to buy a full set up including a receiver

Also, do HSU's subwoofers ever go on sale?

I got this,...