Is this the real life, or just death on 2 legs?

Just saw the Queen film 'Bohemian Rhapsody' last night.
Truly a great movie if you are a Queen fan. 
Its a must see. IMHO.

I thought it was mixed really well ( for a movie ) and sounded great . I found myself turning it up on the musical parts and then turning it back down through the dialogs. I liked it. My two 18 inch subs came in handy ... LOL. I still remember sitting around the kitchen table during a blizzard, smoking pot with a house full of teens, while listening to the just released News of the World album in the late 70’s.
For those of you who were acquainted with Queen by the radio, you don't know Queen. Bohemian Rhapsody is for those people, not the true Queen fan.
Critics didn't like it, some were disappointed in factual inaccuracies (as if it were claimed to be a documentary...ha), but I was thoroughly entertained as were my kids.  It was better than I expected.  You need to embrace it for what it is - entertainment!
Loved the movie, saw it twice, once in the theater, second time on the plane. I became a Queen fan after watching Live Aid on TV. IMO, Freddie Mercury was the greatest frontman in rock history. Yes, bigger and better than Jagger. No one had the audience in the palm of his hand like Freddie. The movie captured Freddie's stage presence. I'm playing Love of My Life on the piano now. I had never heard that great tune until watching the movie.
No doubt Freddie is a truly great frontman and it certainly makes perfect sense that most of the popular culture thinks that he is

though i too feel he is one of the best frontman there is no way that ill ever think he is better than who i feel is the greatest frontman of them all...

and it's Canada's  Gord....