In the new Stereophile Art Dudley reviews two different IsoAcoustic footers, and says he prefers the GAIA to the Oreo under his Garrard 301. The GAIA is intended to be used with loudspeakers, the Oreo with components, but Art found the GAIA to provide more improvement with his table than did the Oreo. Since it comes with mounting studs in three sizes including the 1/4-20 used on the feet of VPI turntables, it occurred to me that the GAIA is a good candidate for use with those tables.
A set of four GAIA III (which support up to 70 lbs.) retails for $199, about half the price of four Townshend Audio Seismic Pods. The Pods are really good (I have them under my Townshend Rock Elite table), but for only $199 the GAIA is worth a try bolted onto my Aries 1, in place of the stock cone "isolation" footers. The parens is in recognition of the fact that cones (and spikes) are not isolators, they are couplers. Why that myth continues is a mystery to me!
Geoff Kait's springs are also worthy of consideration, but for use under a turntable---which requires precise leveling---the height adjustability of the GAIA (via the threading on the studs) makes it ergonomically better.