It happened again tonight

Playing Pink Floyd The Wall Side 4, nice and loud. Kind of loud live would be if they would keep it just short of harmful. Kind of loud you feel it. Run Like Hell comes and the lead guitar riffs are just exhilarating and have me going and then the beat picks up and I catch myself hyperventilating again. Its just so crazy clear and present and you are there, all I can say is Thank you, Krissy. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so very much.

That was 1969, in a Ron Jon's parking lot, near San Clemente.      Meanwhile, back to our regularly scheduled programming........

"I was, but all was okay because we were listening to my illegally burned copy of The Wall.

Call the police."
Looking over your right shoulder while driving on some highway, or anywhere else really, does not make me think of calling the police. There are other institutions that come to mind.
glupson ...

How about the CD burning police? Did you forget about them?

And then about looking over my shoulder while driving ... I was always a very coordinated and athletic type of person who could chew gum and drive at the same time.

Hey man, believe it or not, I can even drive and steer with my knee while playing the harmonica with both hands. Incredible, I know.

I got pulled over by the Highway Patrol one day, and the officer asked me why I was playing my  harmonica while driving. I told him it was because my trombone wouldn't fit.


No, I did not forget that you bragged about stealing other people's property and have a bit hypocritical ways of approaching what is honest.

The question would not be why you are playing a harmonica while driving, the question would be why are you driving at all.

Take a walk, go to a grocery store, beach, do not let them stop you with their stupid rules and recommendations. You still have time today to show them.

In any case, driving while looking over your shoulder is not a good idea. You are not that good.
glubson ...

Have you ever considered psychotherapy? Or perhaps electroshock treatments??
