hi jylee:
thinness and other audiophile terms are both quantitative and qualittative.
that is the perception of thinness is a threshold variable and then there is the degree of thinness once one perceives it.
i don't believe that thinness or other similar variables are relative to the sound of other components.
thus when someone useses the term it is often based upon exceeding a level of treble response that has been exceeded independent of other components.
thus, if i walk into a room the judgments i make about a stereo system are not relative to other stereo systems but rather a comment on a particular stereo system, which depends upon one's criteria of judgment.
i think you may be commenting upon the quantitative aspect rather than the qualitive aspect which is inherent to the component in question.
i don't think the term was used in the comparative sense.
i apologize for being so didactic but i have observed occasional lapses in communication because there is a difference in orientation between one speaker and another , where one's basisis is qualittative (e.g., he/she is thin) or he /she is thin relative to someone else.