It's time for a new button on Audiogon

Currently, when selling an item, one has three choices in the listing, buy it now, offer, offer and buy it now.

I prefer to vet my future trading partners, however my ads always say "price is firm". In the ad that I am currently running, for a most inexpensive piece of gear, I have had three offers, all well below asking price. I won't respond, as I have been clear in the body of the ad that the price is firm. In some way, this wastes the potential trading partner's time and mine. Why can't Audiogon add a "full price offer" button?

One would still get to vet potential buyers, buyers would understand that the only option is to make a full price offer, just as they do with the "buy it now" option, and those potential buyers that are uncomfortable with the preconditions would be smart enough not to respond at all.

It seems like this option would solve several problems.

Who needs another button, just list it "buy now" at the price you are firm at. They either buy at your price or not. done
I guess that is sensible. If you are firm there is no offer so just put up a buy it now button and let that be the end of it. I still imagine people will want a break on shipping or something else they can sneak in.
I appreciate where Viridian's frustration with people who ignore what is said in ads; however, I think those same people will still ignore the presence of that button and send in a lowball offer anyway, so in the end, no, I don't think it would do any good.
I offer what I think the item is worth or at least worth to me. If the seller doesn't like the offer either counter or simply say no thank you. As a seller I expect offers and if I don't like the offer I either counter or say no thanks. I live by my words.
