I am soooo ready to smash my HP laptop! My LCD screen is busted, I cannot display color correctly. Things that should be black, turns to a solid green, right now it's even hard for me to read text. and i have mutiple vertical lines goes across the screeen... So I will have to import all my file to new laptop sooner or later...
When I have time, i'm gonna piece together a computer from all the spare parts i have sitting around. Copy all my music onto its hardrive and try a few different ways to preseve the info/data when migrating/re-constitute/re-install everything... I guess i'll let y'all know what happens.
When I have time, i'm gonna piece together a computer from all the spare parts i have sitting around. Copy all my music onto its hardrive and try a few different ways to preseve the info/data when migrating/re-constitute/re-install everything... I guess i'll let y'all know what happens.