Howdy again; thanks for all the responses.
Per Shadorne's post, I've been using the Mac as reference for some time now. I've figured that was the best way to go, since I can move the iBook from one stereo to the other. The Dell is in my home office, and only drives powered speakers, so no big deal if I can't access my whole library from there.
Before I added a second HDD to the Dell, I had a LaCie 250GB piggybacked onto the Dell using Firewire. The LaCie was formatted to FAT32. But it trashed after only 2 years of use, so I bought the other HDD and put it into the Dell. That HDD is a WD. And yes, I had to rerip my library; that was painful to say the least. At present I have only 100GB or so done. Anyway, I can only format the WD to NTFS (AFAIK you need an aftermarket plugin to get FAT32). In any event, I had the same compatibility issues with the LaCie, so it's not a FAT32 vs. NTFS issue.
Kirkus seems to suggest some plug-in which may rename files to some lowest-common-denominator syntax, but I don't know of any. Also, Herman suggested sharing the libraries. I tried enabling Home Sharing on one machine, then the other, then both, but in no case could I see the other library from either desktop. Apparently, Home Sharing uses some very basic protocol that may be something like Windows' NetBEUI, but can't communicate across platforms. So I turned Home Sharing off, then turned NetBEUI off on the Dell and AppleTalk off on the Mac, enabling only TCP/IP on either. Same problem.
Then, I turned off DHCP at the router and setup static IP's for the Dell and the Mac (192.168.x.x). Same problem. So I think I can conclude that it's not a networking issue.
Again, I think the bug is within the Windows version of iTunes, so even if I upgrade to a NAS, I don't think that'll fix it either, since the NAS will have to be either NTFS or FAT32, not Mac, and AFAIK it appears to be iTunes for Windows, not Windows itself, that seems to be doing this file renaming. I think I'll do NAS in the near future though, even though I'll need to get another router or switch (right now, I'm moving my iBook between two stereos and my kitchen and using using the Dell in my home office; that makes four points, which is the number of ports my router has). And, NAS will give me the advantages of RAID.
Over the next few days, I'll try to locate or rip a difficult file (like a classical movement with a long name and special characters) from the PC (to duplicate the issue) and post the file's FQPN and nomenclature (as seen from either platform) to the group so everyone can see the issue. In the meantime, thanks to all of you for your help and comments.
All the best, John