JADIS JA80 with 6550 or KT 88 or KT90 ?

My Jadis JA80 was built in April 1999 and came equiped from the factory with eight 6550 valves.

Before deciding to buy a new set of tubes, I would like to know some opinions about the advantage or inconvenience of using the KT 88 or the KT 90 tubes in my JA80.

Is there any experience of using these tubes (KT 88 or KT 90) in an amplifier designed from the factory to work with 6550 tubes?

Many thanks for your cooperation.
Trejla, I'm will to give up bottom end for brilliance in the highs. I do not like flat mids/highs. So that would be the E34L tube for sparkling highs/mids, correct? I also like very analytical sound stage, nothing mushy/all jelled together. Like the EH88 did.
Trelja is the most knowledgeable resource about tubes that exisists in my web travels and I have learned much from his previous threads. That said, I would still only re-tube a Jadis amp directly from Villedubert. Unless you never liked the sound of the amp to begin with.
Yes I just talked with Pierre, he said the best Kt88's are those directly from Jadis, but cost is $$$. I'll stay with the 90's. You know when you pick one tube over another, quality tubes I'm talking about, class A sound, you give up something for something else. What the 90's have the 88's lack, and visaversa. From talking with Pierre, the DA30 gives more power than the JOR, but I really don't need more power.
I'll stay with the JOR and get the Cayin 88 as a second amp.
The 88's in the cayin should be on the level that Jadis uses in their amps. And may be better than the EH and JJ tubes.
I'll post a note when the A88 arrives, mid summer.
Jadis tube lover that I am, now understand my devotion to the SS SOTA: Hovland, hand built locally, customizable, accessible, affordable, dependendable, reliable, predictable. What's not to love? Just the tax and duty added on to the tubes from France for one.
Bartokfan ; I would be interested in your findings with this tube thing . Or anyone else for that matter . I have just purchased a Cayin a88 . This is my first true voyage into the tube world and am trying to learn .
Does anyone know if the other tubes , mentioned above , such as the kt90's , 77's etc. can be used in the Cayin a88 ? Has anyone tried ?
Signed 'Tube Noob' !