Jadis OR bias value for Mullard RL34 and KT88 help

I just swapped my Gold Lion (reissue) KT88 tubes for Mullard EL34's and was vwery surprised that the volume was so much lower. I checked the bias and found it to be less than 10mv while the KT88's had been biased at 110mv.
I rebiased the EL34's up to 90mv and the volume increased to what seemed to be "normal".
I am looking for the correct voltage to bias the new EL34 to in a Jadis Orchestra Reference.
Any help is appreciated.
I plan on doing that this weekend. I will keep you posted. I wish I had a quad of jjel34's to compare.
The JJ that I liked in this amp are the E34L, which do have a much different sound than their EL34.

The JJ EL34 is more typical of EL34 sound, with an evenness of hand from top to bottom. The E34L give up some of the bottom end for a midrange that can be otherworldly in the right setup.
Trelja.... I'm back again. Heart attack slowed me down a little, but feeling a lot better now.

I ordered the JJ el34 L tubes and should have them in a couple of days.
Indeed I was going to tell you what Joe did. The JJ E34L is a different tube, I think IIRC that the height is slightly longer than the regular JJ EL-34. The other cool thing is that the E34L comes in colors. Trelja and I preferred the Blue glass. I am not sure but I think the color helped with heat dissipation.
Unlike Trelja I never noticed the loss of bass or low end extension relative to other EL-34s. It possibly true and Joe is rarely wrong about all things audio. I haven't had the matched octets necesarry to make such a comparison in a long time.
I am just wondering outloud, if you might want to try the Gold Lion Reissue KT-77 at some point. When I get my equipment back, I was thinking about putting the KT-77s in my DA-60. I will report my findings should I endevor to make the switch, but my amp is not a JOR, so it may not be very useful to you.
I have never rebiased the amp because it has an autobias circuit built in, and I am uncertain if I can overide the autobias, and bias the amp manually. It would be a PITA in any event the amp is pretty heavy and I am not young anymore.