James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all

(Via Gizmodo)
So it looks like the gauntlet's been thrown down (again).
Backed up this time by, apparently, *presses pinkie to corner of mouth* one million dollars...

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Metro04, do assume that DBTs or beyond scientific criticism. Many would claim that an invalid measure as most commonly used, namely 30 second exposures and that setting the testing hypothesis as no difference violates the logic that one cannot accept an hypothesis, but one can reject an hypothesis. This is the reason we normally seek a "null hypothesis" that a variable thought to be causing a relationship has no effect. Rejecting it then lends support for the relationship you wish to support.
Just as a note, Dave Clark is hardly a "hot shot" that "auditions and takes measurements for a living.."

Dave is just like the rest of us, but for his passions may run a bit hotter for things audio then most of ours do. He is a school teacher by day and a genuine all around good guy. I think to say he makes his living at reviewing is a gross overstatement.

This is relevant as to the arguments that reviewers won't put their reputation on the line for a million. I think most would. Most reviewers are guys/gals who do if for the fun of it. For a million bucks I would think most would abandon their "reviewing career" at the chance for the cool mil.

I get paid $50 per review and I currently review about 2 or 3 products over the year (Thank God I have a license to practice law to fall back on). Yes, I can hear the differences between cables. But, the ONLY way I can hear that change is in MY own system that I have listened to for hours upon hours and know every intimate detail of how it produces music. I know these details of my system’s sound and therefore, I know when something has changed.

That is how I review most of the mort subtle products such as cables. Honestly, it takes me several listen sessions to fully flesh out the difference and nuances of a new cable. Unlike speakers or amps where these changes are almost immediately apparent. I suspect that there are others, reviewers and otherwise, that can "hear" the most subtle difference loud, clear and immediately. It is different for everyone...

As I usually respond to the one that claims there "is" no difference between cables because they could not hear it….the only thing such a person has proved is, "they" cannot hear such a difference and not that a difference does not exist.

Just some thoughts of marginal relevance, John
hi doug schroeder:

i will make you a wager. allow me to select a stereo system and two pair of interconnect cables.

i will bet you that i can detect the differences between the cables between digital source and preamp. of course i would be blindfolded.

how much do you want to bet ?
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