Janszen za2.1 vs nola metro grand ref series2

I am contemplating a speaker purchase. I was going to look into either a used vandy 5a or eggleston andra ii. But, I think they would both be too big for my small 12x14 room. I am also married to my 50 w triode monoblocks and I fear they would not provide sufficient power for either choice.

This leads me to the less well known janszen and a pair of demo nola metros. I have always liked the enormous magnepan 3.7 soundstage. I however found them always lacking in image specificity. So as the advice comes, please keep in mind my soundstage reference and goal is along the lines of the big Maggie's. I have read that the raven tweeter and open baffle in the nola result in a giant presentation. I am not as sure about the janszens.

Has anyone heard both of the speakers I am considering? My desire is to improve upon the sound of the Gallo ref 3.5 that I currently have. I would like a larger, taller deeper soundstage with Improved pinpoint proved imaging.

I recognize this may be an odd request, but I am hoping for real world experience as I have no way to hear either prior to purchasing the speakers. The janszens have a trial period going in their favor.

Fwiw David janszen was a pleasure to talk with about his speakers. If congeniality were a sound quality i would tip my hat to janszen.

thanks for the replies. I really hope that someone with janszen experience chimes in. I had a good conversation today with a janszen dealer who extolled the virtues of the janszen, but was realistic without too much sugar coating. just need to decide...hmmm...
We like similar speakers. I thought the Nola Metro Gold powered by a VAC 160i was the best sound at the Brooklyn show, but the Nola's got a decidedly lukewarm review in Stereophile in both listening and measurements. They retail at $33,000, which is beyond what I would spend, and I'm not quite sure if they were impressive or "right."

That really makes a home or dealer test of the JansZen Za2.1 my path. Although I like my tube amp, I'm intrigued to try the combination of the Benchmark DAC2 HGC going into the new powered version of the Za2.1a. There's a trickle of good feedback appearing on the powered version.

If the combo is not great, they can be returned, but I have high hopes from spending a lot of time reading about the products, and being impressed with everything I've heard David Janszen say. Plus, I still remember how good Simon and Garfunkel sounded on his father's version of the speaker, (although that one had a dip in lower midrange.)
2out2sea you might have to take them up on that trial period.
Reprince so far the KO's remind me of my dunlavy's scIII's before I moved into the soundlab's; I like what I hear so far.
I think at this point I am going to try the janszen. the trial period eases my mind and david janszen is a real pleasure to deal with. I will keep everyone posted on the way things go. my goal is a 50% improvement (subjective of course) over my current gallo 3.5. bigger soundstage and improved imaging. we'll have to wait and see.
2out2sea, I've owned the zA2.1 for more than a year now without a moments regret. And I fully agree with your impressions of David. I believe his is both knowledgable and totally honest. He has been wonderful to work with both before and after my purchase.

Rather than summarize my impressions of the speakers I'll offer this link to my written review - http://db.audioasylum.com/mhtml/m.html?forum=speakers&n=329558&highlight=m3+lover+Janszen+m3+lover&r=&search_url=%2Fcgi%2Fsearch.mpl%3Fforum%3DALL%26searchtext%3DFried

Also, look for the comments by jsm71 on Planar Asylum. We both had overpowered SS amps to begin with (which did sound very good) but then changed to lower powered tube amps which upped the listening pleasure.

So yes, take the home trial. And follow David's instructions on placement. They do not need to be placed well out in the room like other planar speakers.