Jazz is not Blues and Blues is not Jazz.......

I have been a music fan all my life and listen to classic Jazz and female vocals mostly.  I did not see this throughout most of my life, but now some internet sites and more seem to lump Jazz and Blues into the same thought. 
B.B. King is great, but he is not Jazz.  Paul Desmond is great, but he is not Blues.   

Perhaps next Buck Owens will be considered Blues, or Lawrence Welk or let's have Buddy Holly as a Jazz artist? 

Trite, trivial and ill informed, it is all the rage in politics, why not music?


Anyone who doesn’t understand that had there been no blues there would be no Jazz, well.......
When it comes to music it's best to follow your heart, not your mind.  As fun and enlightening as analysis may be, don't let analysis get in the way of a good time.
two shrinking genres (as wonderful as they are... that is the reality)

commercial decision to clump together