Jeff Healey Rest In Peace>1=7702
Very sad. I was fortunate to see him around winter 1989 in Montreal. He was simply amazing and when he stood up to play he totally rocked the house. The bass player gently nudged him in the direction of his chair so he could sit down to continue but he never once lost stride.

See The Light Jeff.
Well he will now be performing at the Road House in the sky. He is in good company.
Aw shit. A terrible disease. My thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. I saw him play once, but can't remember who with, I do remember it was a great show. I really enjoy his music.
I saw him play at the WNEW-FM Christmas concert at the Beacon theater In New York City. I believe it was around 88-89. Melissa Etheridge and Peter Frampton also played that evening. I remember being blown away at his playing. Not only how good he was, but his truly unorthodox style of playing. Then he kind of dissapeared off the map. I never knew he was battling cancer his whole life. RIP Jeff.
Thanks for your music and the joy you brought to so many people. Tear it up-up there.
I thought he was a very talented guy,remember hearing Angel Eyes on the radio,and buying it on cassette.Then saw him on TV and was blown away by his style! 30,000 LPs in his collection!!! A true music lover!Peace,Ray