I did a direct and extensive comparison of the Valhalla and the Jena Labs Symphony interconnects a few months ago. I found the Symphony to be the equal of the Valhalla in every way; and better in a few ways, e.g. more natural body on acoustic instruments and vocals, better high and low-end extension, slightly fuller bass - without bloat - and, significantly, a much quieter background. I lost no information with the Symphony vis a vis the Valhalla, and I am convinced the Symphony is equally transparent (and less colored). I bought the Symphony cables, but not because of the price. My system consists of G&D Ultimate transport, latest Dodson DAC, CTC Blowtorch preamp, Jeff Rowland Model 10 amplifier, and Rockport Antares loudspeakers. I am presently using Silversmith speaker cables and use David Elrod power cords on everything. Hope this helps a little bit.