Jena cables

Has anyone tried them out recently? They are highly touted. Compared against Nordost and Synergistic?
Tireguy: Mikelavigne has not compared any of the Jena Labs cables to the Valhallas. He compared the Jena Labs Symphony with the $30,000 Transparent Opus and we all thought the Opus was a bit better at a few things, but the much less expensive Symphony did great against the much more expensive cable.

One of these days I will bring a full set for him to hear, but hs system sounds so great right now, why even bother. Even if he can improve, it is already the most enjoyable system I have ever heard.`
Tekunda- I don't mind dealers pitching their wares, happens frequently, and I'd like to think I'm cogent enough to separate fact from fiction. But your " I live in a hotspot and people drop by so my cable is great etc" sounds, well, lame. Specify what you heard in a direst A/B comparison, merits etc. Otherwise you're merely espousing conjecture, which helps no one at all, and frankly looks rather ridiculous.HMS may be the cat's meow, but the slider you threw missed the plate, at least for me.
During your comparisons when you were in the market for cables, I supported your efforts, regardless of whether I agreed with your outcome. Everyone has their own criteria for listening and I respect that. What I do not respect is your blatant attempt at knocking a product you have never had a chance to hear only for the benefit of selling your own product.

You continue to avoid answering Jfz's question: Which Jena Labs cables did you listen to? There are two users here that have listened and made it clear that the Jena Labs MID LINE cables, The Symphonys's were better for them in their systems. The Symphony's are even less money than your cables.

I know you wanted to audition the Jena Labs line before you started distributing those cables you have, but did not get a chance due to the back order. I challenge you to provide the name of the person who brought over the cables for you to hear. I am sure that person does not exist.

You are completely wrong in your description of the Jena Labs cables and I venture to guess you are full of it. You are taking this opportunity to sell you cables and LIE about a product you know nothing about. What you are doing is totally improper.

TEKUNDA, I will take your challenge. Send me a 5 foot XLR and a 5 foot speaker cable and I will let you know how they fare. I will have a group of impartial listeners to witness the results. I will only compare them to Jena Labs midline cable, The Symphony, and I am sure of the results ahead of time. I have heard from enough people about how your cables hold up against the Valhalla, but I guaranty you this is in a different league entirely.

My address is available to you through email.

I will have Mikelavigne here for an unbiased opinion as well as John_l, Analog4ian and others.

Please send them as soon as possible. I am sure the members here will be anxiously awaiting the results.

I think the post by Mes was right on target.This is very much like my own experience. Yesterday I heard Valhalla interconnect compared to JENA Labs Pathfinder. The results were not even close, to my ears.
I have found that the JENA Labs cables all have the same sonic signature. They all use the same wire and termination. As you move up the line what you get is more wire and more of the same good sound. I personally own Symphony interconnects. While I was waiting for them to to arrive, I was loaned Pathfinder cables. The difference was not as much as I expected. They sounded very much the same. The pathfinder had a bit more bass and more body. They replaced Straightwire Crescendo in my system, which sounded harsh in comparison.