John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"

Food for thought...
Measurement proves nothing. Let's have John measure a group of tenors singing a line of music. Human vocal cords are made of the exact same material. If all the tenors sing all the right notes, the sound will "measure" the same on John's equipment. If John is correct, then all tenors must sound the same, and any difference we heard between the sounds created by Pavarotti, Bocelli, Domingo and your local church cantor is just an illusion. I can tell a difference, so I guess I better go get some Prozac.
I don't hear John talking about any of the great cables out there.Has he listened to them? How can you react in a vacuum?
After my experiences this weekend listneing to AQ Clear Se, AZ Satori and AQ Dragon SE in my system...I'm afraid I don'd but this. In a high rez system, differences between cables are very much audible.
anybody ever seen dunlavy speakers setup for show or at "approved" dealers using zip cord? anybody who owns dunlavy's use ratshack wire between amps and speaks? no? well, why not? that's what the speaker's "inventor" and namesake would do. i wonder, i really do, whether john dunlavy also recommends that one choose which speakers to buy based sole on "scientific measurements." -kelly
I don't think he was saying that there's no difference between cable and cable technology...I believe he mentions that they make their own(?)...he's just saying a lot of the so-called science that goes into the cables is just a bunch of marketing nonsense, and not very scientific. That's probably very true (and I use various Cardas, Coincident, JPS, etc).

He must also think that there's no difference in speaker drivers as well. I was told that he left Duntech and started Dunlavy, used a very similar design, charged just as much money, but he used cheaper drivers. Hmmm. :-)