Jolida 502B upgrading to Accuphase E206

I have a dilemma.

I have a Jolida 502B and someone wants to buy it and someone else is selling a Accuphase E206.

Should I let the Jolida go and take the Accuphase?

The Jolida sound is okay for me but all of my friends adviced me to upgrade to the Accuphase.

Problem I never heard an Accuphase and I am too timid to audition the Accuphase.

Audiogon folks please guide me on this.
Thanks Jedinite.

Unfortunately the guy selling the E206 is uncontactable.

Hence to cure the itch I just ugpraded the Jolida with new Obbligato and Mundorf caps and Kiwami resistors, replaced some parts with silver wires and a audiophile-grade fuse.

The 502B breadth a new life and here to stay.

I am still looking for an Accuphase but till the time come I am happy with this lovable Jolida amp. insecurities rear their little heads with the threat of losing a Jolida owner...bullet dodged!
Wow Rattosecond. That is a lot of mods to your Jolida 502B. Where did you get the idea to use such nice parts? Did you do the work yourself?
I found the idea here and done it myself.

Supercharged Jolida!
Wow just like to report.

After hanging the 2 output caps to Mundorf Evo Silver Gold Oil caps I noticed it opened up and the timbre of the instruments and vocals turned to be good. More pronounced midranged I may say and I like it very much.

However the Mundorf EVO caps is not the right voltage so the left channel lost volume.

Someone adviced me to use the Mundorf Supreme (because of higher voltage capacity) so I went to replace the Evo caps.

It turn out to be good as well though I missed the EVO midrange. Next step I will proceed to upgrade it toe Mundorf Supreme Silver Gold Oil so I can reclaim that great midrange.

Another amazing change that made a very positive change was to replace the cheap input copper cables to pure 24AWG silvers (from RCA connectors to the volume and balance knobs to the board). This really opened up the system, great improvement across the spectrum. This is one of the most surprising change that I did. Very positive and highly recommended!