Jolida sj502a tube advice

I just bought a Jolida sj502a tube amp and was wondering what tubes would you recommend and what will they do to the sound of the amp.

Currently has Sovtek 6550we x 4, Jolida 12ax7a x 2 and some 12at7 tube with no writing except the model numbe on the side of the tube.

I like a liquid, warmer laid back sound with really good detail and a solid bottom end. I find some of the tubes are to "detailed" and the mids/upper end is right in my face and that doesn't work for me.

Any suggestions would be helpful. This is my 2nd all tube amp but I am still a newb at the tubes. I will tube roll at some point to try it and see the difference. The one thing I love about this amp is it is very quite and really does sound awsome. I'm just looking to warm her up a bit more.
This is how I'm running it
Jolida JD50a control center into the 502 into Energy Veritas 2.3's through Harmonic Tech Pro-9 speaker cables.
I have an Oppo BD-83SE with the upgraded analog section and Sabre DAC's. I am currently trying different IC's as I have a few different ones and I build custom IC's so I am trying those as well. You definateley get instant feedback when I cahenge my IC's which is what I want anyways.

Thanks again but no $400 tubes except maybe to replace the 4 6550s.

The layout of the Jolida 502 is, unlike Audio Research amps,
so simple that an old-school TV repairman can easily mod with one sheet of instructions.
No need for mega expensive mod shops, just a shopping list of components from ebay and and 2-3 hours of the solder tech's time.
I have tried tube rolling an SJ302 without mods,
the results were minimal.
Email me if you have a 302 or 502 and want the list of mods and where to place them.
Thanks guys for all the suggestions. I Plan on having the caps etc... Changed out. I know that will help and is probably a good place to start because I don't want to buy tubes and then need other tubes after the innards are changed. It already has som work done to it as I have to hook/run all the other cOmponents through the JD50a control unit.
I'll contact the seller and see exactly what has been done.
Thanks again for all the input.

Having a Jolida 502A myself and have replaced caps and resitors, ect which I felt definely improved the sound of the amp. Nevertheless I think replacing the your pre-amp tubes(12AX7s and 12AT7s)will probably net you a better sounding amp (Jolida tubes ARE NOT the best sounding tubes you can have). I myself use NOS RCA in the 12AT7 postions and current issue Tung-sol in the 12AX7 postions. Switching out tubes definely change the sound of this amp, and it's one of the "fun things" about having tube equipment and it really doesn't have to be all that expensive. Truth be told, I have an assortment of current and NOS issue pre-amp tubes and I doubt I have much more than $100 invested in them.

One more thing, I'm in agreement with Newbee conserning the Tung Sol 6550 reissues. You can get a quad of them in the $200 range.
Thanks for the great info. I'm moving tomorrow so I will have to put this on hold for a couple weeksmuntil settled. Then let the tube fun begin!!!
I really find all the input very helpful but I am like a kid on his best Christmas morning and waiting will be hard. I'm sure over the next week I'll buy many different tubes.
Thanks again and I'll be back