Jupiter Copper Foil, Paper & Wax Cap Versus Jensen Cap 0.10uF 630Vdc Copper Foil Ceramic

Your advice and comments would be most helpful and appreciated.
I will need to change my current capacitors in my tube power amp as one of my current Jensen 0.1uF 630V Copper Foil, PIO, Aluminium is now a problem - caused a EL34 tube heater to glow red. I will need four new capacitors.

I am considering two possible replacements:

1. 0.1uF 600Vdc Jupiter Copper Foil, Paper & Wax Capacitor   
2. Jensen Capacitor 0.1uF 630Vdc Copper Foil Ceramic Case 

Any comments on how these compare in their sound characteristics?
I would like a cap that offers balance across all frequencies, control, richness, enticing tone, and transparency. Also ease of flow of the music.    
Thanks so much, Bob 

Coming to this kind of late, but check out:    http://humblehomemadehifi.com/Cap.html

Did not read all the responses, but I agree with many of the comments regarding Jupiter's copper foil paper and wax caps. Use them to replace all interstage coupling caps in my Marantz 8B, and they worked wonders. Did other things with the amp too for vast improvement in sound.

I also agree that Jupiters might be a bit dubious in a hot environment.  I noticed some blistering on the surface of the caps placed between the 6CG7 (6FQ7) phase inverter tubes and the El34 outputs.  Was running the amp with 6L6GC with higher bias, and it was running hotter than it probably would have with EL34s, so perhaps the blistering would not have happened in a cooler EL34 environment; the amp was designed to run with El34s anyway.

One other thing, if you do go to check out the website noted above, check out the Miflex caps.  These are excellent.  If you have the space, they are large, very, for a given value, but they are excellent and mega constructed like a brick "s" house.  They are also a comparative bargain price wise.  If you check out Jupiters, wow, the price:  I buy them from hificollective in the UK, but anywhere you look, wow, the price!  Hifi collective sells the Miflex too at a much more reasonable price, but I was able to by them at a website either in Poland or the Czech Republic, four 0.33uF 600v for around 50 to 60 bucks including shipping.  Other than Duelund....?, Jupiter and Miflex are the top rated ones.  The Jupiter and Miflex come in 600v units for circuitry applications.  The Duelunds are essentially for speaker crossovers with much lower voltage ratings.

Do yourself a favor if you're interested in the subject of capacitors, check out the website I mentioned.  It is one of the best a most comprehensive comparisons of capacitors I have seen on the web.  I hope he updates it soon; though it is fairly recent, you know things are always changing....ugg.  
I've had good results with both the Jupiter cooper foil and Miflex copper. My Preamp called for a 2.0uf for signal cap in each channel I had already changed out all the caps in my speaker except for rear firing tweeter which called for a 1.0uf. So just to experiment I bought 4x 1.0 Jupiter and 2x 1.0 Miflex. I installed both the 2 Jupiter 1.0 to make a 2.0 per channel in Preamp and 1.0 Miflex in tweeter then ran them 24/7 for 3 weeks. Then I started flipping them around. I put a combination of Jupiter and Miflex in each channel in the preamp then back to all Jupiter in Preamp. I prefer the Miflex and Jupiter in the preamp. With Jupiter/ Miflex combo the bass is fuller and tighter to my taste. The Jupiter/ Jupiter combo was very nice also just different. Both combinations made cymbal sound right for the first time and both sounded very natural and refined. The preamp uses 6922 type. I did find with Jupiter/ Jupiter combo it liked the amprex orange globes which is a more analytical tube than the amprex bugle boys to me. Miflex Jupiter combo liked the bugle boy and orange globe.  Both combinations liked the Amprex SQ gold pins. Mullards and Valvo's were fun but depending on recording.could get a little boring. I did put Miflex 0.1uf as bypass cap in main tweeter 8.2 cap but with all these caps installed I have no idea if they made a difference.

I have used all 3 Vcap s ,as well as Jupiter Copper foil , and the $$ OverpricedDuelund . BTW since the Jupiter was reviewed in 2014 it has been improved upon . I have over 20 years and 1,000s of actual testing and listening hours and comparing after a minimum  3-400 hours and a 12 specific recordings that test the full spectrum of music .
the vh copper Teflon has the most absolute resolution ,But at the cost
of some naturalness depth and tonal balance. If I have a warmer tube amp then the vh audio maybe the ticket for balance. Caps like Mundorf too much plastic takes away from naturalness, I do like their supreme silver oil. The supreme gold silver oil too tipped up which is abit unnatural.
for Loudspeakers  and preamp coupling caps without reservation 
the Jupiter Copper foil is my favorite of any capacitor especially in Loudspeakers 
yes even vs Duelund and by far the Best Buy vs  Duelund ,or VH  per$$ dollar spent . Every one has their opinion , these new caps are good to over 160 degrees , they Have not used beeswax for a several years now .