Just got my Dv20X2 H had a question

just took it out of the box and noticed the cantilever looks off center slightly. Is this common what should I do ?
There are some discussions over at AudioAsylum about Dynavectors with off center cantilevers. I had a similar problem with a DV20XH (the model just before the one you have). The dealer refered me to the distributor who exchanged it for another. So, be polite and it should work out for you.

PS: Disappointing to hear that new Dynavectors are still shipping with off center or slanted cantilevers. The good news is that the distributor is a good guy and very helpful.
Thanks everyone they are sending me a new one and when I get I will udate. Btw I am always polite to whow ever is polite to me.
Well got the new cartrige and the cantilever is straight but now I have to tilt the arm quite a bit to get the Azimuth correct. It sounds nice but I feel it's not right for the amount of money.