Just how big is our foot print?

Hey everyone,
I always treat this forum as kind of a fun place to learn and share with others, which is otherwise not that relevant.

I mean, it's a good place to get ideas of gear to listen to, and how to hook things up, but I never imagine that there are those who feel their income depends on what gets discussed here. Lately I've gotten several signals that there are dealers and those with financial interests who come to these forums to generate buzz and revenue at a scale which matters to them personally.

In a thread about speaker design there was a comment that  "this blogger says things you never read about in professional reviews." That's what I like about this space. We aren't limited by the need to make an advertiser happy.

I mean, sometimes it's pretty obvious, with sales of $20K doo hickeys which seem like total snake oil, but other times I see people getting seriously offended over my not being overwhelmed by a piece of gear they promote, and these people stay pouty for years after.

I'm going to have to step back and think about how I use this new found power I didn't know I had.

Constructive ideas welcome. Should I just start my own blog space?

Everyone - I use Audiogon forums to expand my knowledge of how to improve the audio quality of my two home stereo systems within the budget I have to spend for this hobby.

the variety of inputs I find here in the multiple threads have lead me to improvements in my two systems beyond my expectations.

elizabeth - led me to Peter Gun - I got my old MAGGIE 1.6qrs upgraded. She convinced me to upgrade my speaker wire and interconnects . I use Anticable due to budget constraints. I heard a sound improvement with every upgrade.

nonoise - led me to High Fidelity Cable to try their Power Conditioner MC 0.5 - eliminated harsh highs at higher volumes in both systems.

i would hate to see this forum fragment into blogs. I like the eclectic mix of expertise I find here. I pick and chose what I implement in my system, and what I ignore.

On my fourth listen to Abby Road in two days. (Via Tidal HiFi in MQA). I have a new respect for Ringo as a drummer as my system can resolve his base line detail that I have never heard before!

thanks to you all for making this possible.

Happy Listening!
Erik, Please stick around Audiogon and offer your comments as you see fit.  Your comments are helpful to me.  If you go to Youtube or start your own reality show with your newfound power, though, I wouldn't get to hear your words of wisdom, as I don't watch TV or Youtube.

" I’m going to have to step back and think about how I use this new found power I didn’t know I had." 

Ime you use your powers for good, and I’m sure opportunities to do so will find you wherever you go.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind if you continue to spend some time here. 


There are a group of several in this forum who seem to post dozens of times per day(with post counts sometimes over 17,000, I can't comprehend how someone would have that much time on their hands).  These types of posters could politely be termed as intolerant of any views that disagree with their own.  To put it rudely, they love the sound of their own voices.

Eric certainly is not one of those.  To him I could only say, swing away, and let the chips fall where they may.