Just ordered my Supratek Chenin Preamp

Ordered it in Piano Black with chrome, remote control and HT bypass options. Now comes the hard part - waiting for it to be built and shipped! Hope the time passes quickly...
I have the same exact preamp in the same color. It is a joy to listen to and a joy to look at. You will be very happy! Bob
Bartkofan,you are right of course.

People bypassing huge retail and promotional markups and buying things based on consumer feedback and satisfaction levels is totally uncalled for.They are probably mostly terrorist plants trying to sully the pristine integrity of the audio media and retail industry.

Or maybe they are just savvy consumers with an intellect for seeking out value and integrity.
Bartokfan.You bring up a good point.....What is it with these Supratek people! Why hasn't that Supratek thread DIED long ago,5 years old....crazy. Did you read where many of them had to wait up to 8 months for the bloody thing!!!And this is the guys first tube equiptment ever!!!I can't stop laughing while Im writting this. Hi Ait,Yes the Chenin in piano black and chrome are striking,wait till you see and hear it in your system. Cheers
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Thanks to all who have chimed in on my behalf. I wasn't bragging, just excited. I'm just getting back to analog after a 20+ year hiatus, and all the research I've done has pointed me toward Supratek. Sure it's not cheap, but why buy a lesser product if you can afford something better.

Anyway, that's 2 days off the waiting time...