Kaplan GS vs. Kubala Sosna Emtiions Speaker Cables

I am thining about purchasing either the Kaplan GS Speaker cables or the Kubala Sosna Emotion Speaker Cables. Has anyone compared the two? Thanks.

Hi Joseph,

I have compared the GS speaker cables against some very competent (and quite a bit more expensive) speaker cables in a revealing "reference" grade system. My conclusion is that the GS cables rivaled some of the "best" cables currently available and as such are an astounding value. As Paul suggested, try the cable for 30 days and put them up against ANYTHING. Let your ears be the judge! I suspect you'll be keeping the Kaplans.

For the record, Paul Kaplan is a friend although this in NO way has influenced my "objective" evaluation of his products.


I believe I was the first customer of the Kaplan cables. A while back I purchased a pair of Pure Note speaker cables from Kobe of Hifi Logic in NJ. A week later he called me and said he had heard an awesome pair of speaker cables he wanted to bring over for me to hear. whitin five minutes of listening to them I placed an order and have been enjoying music since then.

Just last week, the same Kobe told me he was selling a used pair of Klee cables for a customer of his and asked if I'd be interested. I asked him to send them to me so I could A/B them with the Kaplan. Much to my surprise the $2,000 Kaplan was more to my liking then the almost $9,000 Klee. Although the Klee was slightly more transparent, the Kaplan had more "truth of timbre" and was over all more musical.

Mine is the original GS and has not yet been upgraded to Mk111 (now calld the Waveform Fidelity). I plan to upgrade mine shortly to this phenomenal cable. Of course I believe that cables must be listened to in one's own system. My recommendation to anyone is to try these cables at home and decide for your self. Hifi Logic offers this service
What a combo- Klee, Kaplan & Kubala?
I have always wanted to demo the Kubala- no local dealer/retailer. Of interest to me, is that people who have tried Transparent Ref or OPUS, Silent Source then switched to Kubala or EnKlein cables/cords.
So many cables/cords, so little time...
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!