Kimber cable - good or bad?

Krell 600c
Revel F30

Thinking about a good speaker cable, Monocle XL or Bifocal but gets differing reviews, thought you guys might shed some light or recommend alternatives?

Thanks for the help
Thanks guys for all the responses, I live in the Middle East and rely on outside info to make qualified decisions. I am using KCAG interconnects but am thinking of upgrading as well.
I have had nice results using Kimber's 8TC cable with a Classe CA-150 amp and Magnepan speakers. More than any other product, cables, in my opinion, tend to quickly reach a point of rapidly diminishing return with regard to the rapidly escalating price that manufacturers ask for them. The trick seems to be finding that "sweet spot" in a price/performance ratio that works with a particular system of components. For me, the 8TC does the job.
My HT system is bi-wired with Kimber 8TC on the lows and 4TC on the mid's / high's. I found this to be the most synergistic combo for that specific system. Like anything else though, it is a matter of personal tastes, budget and individual system configuration. Believe me, there are a LOT worse cables out there that receive FAR more hype.

I also agree that the law of diminishing returns applies here. How far one is willing to go or how much they will pay is up to the individual. Once that you find something that works quite well with your system and tastes, it will probably cost a LOT more to do noticeably better. However, that does not mean that one should stop experimenting or learning when possible. Sean
I think Ray Kimber builds great stuff BUT there is always better for the same price or less. I just sold my Bi-focals for Pure Note Reference Bi-wire. The Reference is much more defined with better imaging in my system. Also quality WBT ends. Build quality is very high and prices are excellent.