Kimber Hero vs Nordost Blue Heaven vs VDH mk iii

Category: Cables

Question is simple:

Which interconnect can give me the most detail and overall performance?

Kimber Kable Hero, Nordost Blue Heaven, Van Den Hul mk III

I will be very pleased if you would share some thought and your wisdom with me.

My system is,

Audio Refinement Complete Integrated
Nad 541i cd player
Quad 12L speakers
Ixos 6002 biwire speaker wires
Haven't had the opportunity to hear the Nordust Blue Heaven, but have owned the others. The Kimber's, IMO, are leaner than the VDH's. So it would depend on what your goals are. Being than the dollar is so weak @ the moment, it will cost you more to buy the VDH's.(Unless you found a used pr.)I quickly sold my Kimber's and have kept the VDH's. (Haven't compared directly, but the Wireworld Oasis III is one-heck of a good cable for the $. (used $20-30) Also, AQ Quartz are excellent cables, but for the $ I believe I'd buy the Wireworld. Also, consider the DMN Reson IC's. Haven't heard a pr., but they intrigue my imagination. You need to audition in your system, if possible, to see which one works in your situation. Good Luck, Bill.
I have a Linn System (Genki, Wakonda, LK85) with Blue Heaven IC and Solar Wind speaker cable. I tried the Kimber PBJ and Hero in my system vs the Blue Heaven. The Blue Heaven showed much better synergy in this system, mainly because all the advantages of my Solar Wind speaker cable (detail, speed) are now kept throughout the system. The Heros in comparison sounded almost hollow in the midrange. With the Blue Heavens I noticed a slight brightening of the sound with extended highs, however not as much as when changing speaker cables from the Kimber 4VS to the Solar Wind. The main improvement as with all Nordost cables were in speed, timing and pace. Needless to say I kept the Blue Heavens throughout the system.

If your interested in a detailed transparent cable, and on top appreciate fast transients and speed, I would give the Blue Heavens a try, but be careful trying new cables, they did take more than 80 hours to be broken in.

Good luck,

I had an pair of Heros and Nordost Solar Winds. I thought the Heros may have had a sliver of better bass, but I thought the Solar Winds clearly played with with a bit more life and pace. I could more clearly hear detail with the Nordost.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. So as a result all responses valued nordost more than kimber.

I live in a country where you cant take cables at home for a trial period so i am going to buy the interconnects without trying on my system.

My audio refinement complete amp has a very tube-like sound so from what i get from your responses Nordost will be a better choice for me.

I would like to hear more ideas if possible, and thank you again.