King of High Current Amps

I am wondering what is the best reasonable High Current Amp out there that is not really a simple pair of overweight boxes. I am looking for something that is among the best out there, in attempts of driving Infinity Kappa 9. Please, I am not interested in reading about ML and KRELL.
Any feedback on SIM W-5, Classes, Parasounds, Bryston etc...welcomed. Be specific in the sound, price in the used market, and actual experiences with them.

The Classe DR-# amps have a lot of current and headroom. The DR-3 is one of those that will drive anything, and with 8db of headroom. I saw one go for $650 not too long ago.
I used to run a set of Adcom 565 mono blocks on a set of Infinity Kappa 8's & they played loud enough that I could wear my earplugs & pretend I was at a concert. I also brought home a Sunfire amp to give it a test drive & it caught on fire! No kidding, I thought my drivers were going to start shooting voice coils across the room by the sounds that they were making. I was using a Cary pre at the time & it was actually a pretty sweet combination. A used set of 565's can be had for around $900.00. Another good high current amp for the kappas is a Bryston. I used a 4B ST with the Cary & Infinity's & although not quite as loud, had much better detail & a bigger soundstage. Both Adcom & Bryston were fantastic for playing music in the range of loud to extremely loud. I've since changed everything in my system but you could feed the old style Kappa's designed by Arnie Nudell as much CLEAN power as you wanted without fear. Good luck in your search!
Check out the Bryston 4B-ST or if you need more power then the 7B-ST. Two of the best amps out there for the price. Check out ratings from Stereophile (4B-ST - B, 7B-ST - A). Bryston website has some very good reviews you can read. Excellent bargain if you can find one used. They have a 20 year transferable warranty - no questions asked. I highly recommend them.
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