Kinki EX M1 user comments

I’m really happy with the sound of my EX M1, and I’d like to encourage folks to post their comments as they join the user base. I started using mine around August 24, and though I was skeptical about just how good the sound would be, or that it would improve over time, I was wrong on both counts. 

Also, I hope folks will note engineering or other changes as they occur. So far, there is a gain switch and a ground jumper, and silver rather than black remotes versus the original.

Let’s start hearing from new users! 
In May, I got rid of some twenty year old gear and bought a Rotel rc/rb 1590 preamp/amp combo and rcd 1572 CD player thinking I was done. Sadly, I read Nonoise’s Kinki review and wondered....

Several months later, with and without a switch between the amps, using all the Rotel gear, a Nuprime dac10, a nuprime cdt 8 pro, and KEF R 900 speakers, my subjective conclusions are:

1. The Kinki just sounds better or smoother, though not greatly so, and I can listen to the Kinki for hours without fatigue, since the Rotel gear seems to have a slightly sharp edge;

2. The little Schitt Loki (with the Kinki) works wonders for problematic source or room conditions;

3. Both brands have wonderful, wide soundstage but the Rotel combo has somewhat superior 3d placement; and,

4. The Kinki’s detail, under identical conditions, with identical sources, is much more noticeable.

So, I’ve made my decision. The Kinki will be my primary system, and Rotel secondary.

Some will be surprised at my very subjective conclusions in that I merely “prefer” the Kinki, but these things are hard to quantify. I thought the matter in equipoise until I realized the Kinki is pleasing for hours on end.

Sum: thanks a lot, Nonoise, as you cost She Who Must Be Obeyed a nicer Christmas. 🙀

Oh, I should add that the Rotel gear has slightly superior bass power or impact, but it is slightly less controlled than the Kinki. 
Thanks. That’s what I’m using, so I can put the bifocals away. 👍