Just a bit of info that may or may not be important to you from an owner of the BHK preamplifier for over three years. As the F8 is a single ended amp and the BHK is fully balanced you are likely to run into two small issues. One is you are likely going to half to lift the ground on either the amp or the preamp and secondly the BHK preamps in general are not fond of SE amp connections as it tends to cause an increased level of clicking with their unusual volume control. I tried mine with well over a half dozen SE amps and the increased clicking occurred with each one. A friend tried two different samples of the BHK and ran into the same issues and this includes SE amps with convenience XLR connectors. Another issue that may limit your tube choices is that the BHK needs input tube with matched triodes to keep the volume control noise in check which is much harder and more expensive to find in NOS variants than in new production tubes. But in the end if you have an amp that the BHK "likes" then it is a very solid choice.
Just a bit of info that may or may not be important to you from an owner of the BHK preamplifier for over three years. As the F8 is a single ended amp and the BHK is fully balanced you are likely to run into two small issues. One is you are likely going to half to lift the ground on either the amp or the preamp and secondly the BHK preamps in general are not fond of SE amp connections as it tends to cause an increased level of clicking with their unusual volume control. I tried mine with well over a half dozen SE amps and the increased clicking occurred with each one. A friend tried two different samples of the BHK and ran into the same issues and this includes SE amps with convenience XLR connectors. Another issue that may limit your tube choices is that the BHK needs input tube with matched triodes to keep the volume control noise in check which is much harder and more expensive to find in NOS variants than in new production tubes. But in the end if you have an amp that the BHK "likes" then it is a very solid choice.