Kirmuss audios ultrasonic record cleaner

I just noticed the new ultrasonic record cleaner now available from Kirmuss Audio for $800.00 and would like to get some input from people that already own an ultrasonic machine on what they think of this unit. I was just getting ready to start getting my ducks in a row to build one but for the cost of this unit why bother, besides I have enough to do already. What say you?
Interesting that the Kirmuss looks exactly like the I-Sonic cleaner, except with a Kirmuss label on it! The I-Sonic is $600 on Amazon.
Am spoiled by the air drying on my KL Audio and the fact that I can multitask while it is cleaning and drying. Was lucky to get one used here for about 2500$ and as a vinyl seller clean an average of ten records a day. Love mine.

You aren't being completely honest... You've posted on another US cleaning thread...

I'd advise anyone ready to let go of their hard earned money to look at the many threads on Audiogon regarding US cleaning and the DIY methods.
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I have a Kirmuss preordered and it should be arriving by the 15th of next month. But in comparing the I-Sonic someone has mentioned above, the I-Sonic is basically lacking a motorized spidle to rotate the Records and is basically not set up for cleaning Records, specifically. It’s set up for carberators and jewelry, the listing on Amazon says. The I-Sonic is cavitating at a higher frequency which Kirmuss says is inappropriate for safely cleaning Records and shellacs. I’m happy to spend extra to get a device that takes the risk and manual labor out of the equation. Time is the most valuable asset each of us has. If I can spend a little extra money to have more time to do the things that make me happy, then it’s worth the cost.