Klipsch K Horns (the new AK6)

At $15k, eeek!!!!! and their hard to drive, forget your 2A3's on these

Cheers George

I dont disagree with anything you wrote, but often it is the higher efficiency speakers that have a higher and more stable impedance curve for use with tube amps. 
Bad measurements for sure, but they sound very good. I know because I owned a pair for years and used both tube and SS. No surprise that georgehifi started a thread trashing them. He's a well known horn hater.
By the way George, you should learn when to use "their" and they're".
Perhaps you people that have never actually heard the speakers in question but give your comments freely, should listen first.  Anything you say if you don’t is merely speculation on your part and isn’t helpful. I have heard many products that measure poorly yet sound incredible. 
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I've had Klipsch speakers for most of my life including the La Scalas, Cornwalls, Chorus II, Forte II, CF3 (excellent speaker), and many others.  I would say that if you've never experienced a Klipsch speaker the way it was intended, then you're missing out. Kinda like driving a fast German/Italian sports car.  You hear and feel the excitement without totally losing refinement.

Now, not always!  Sometimes those horns annoyed the crap outta me sounding honky and brash.  But that was normally a terrible recording or me running low res mp3s straight from my laptop.

However, at $15k, Klipsch better refine the crap out of the Khorn and use top quality everything.. No phase issues with front panel resonances.  Did they not test this?  

Btw, I had to brace my La Scala side walls as they resonated pretty bad.