Koetsu Urushi: Blue Sky, Vermillion, Tsugaru

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience about how these Koetsu Urushi models differ in sound? I know the Blue Sky and Vermillion have lower output, and that each have different coil materials, but how does this affect the sound, particularly the sound of the highs?
No comments about these Koetsu models after so many months? Does this mean nobody knows or nobody cares?
Hi Warjarrett
I have the idea that most folks about, just don't have the Mega-Buck budget --- and so they couldn't care less?! :-)

Some say: --- that prices for these babies are big time marketing influenced, same motor, a few more or less windings here or there, put into yet another not so very pricy (in real terms) semiprecious stone -- voila another 10k $ item is born, make that 20k$ for their top offering... It smells like some elitist rip-off to me.

Some friend of mine has just come back from the Munich Hi-End Show and was not exactly blown away by the Koetsu’s when comparing with the other TOP MC offerings. If you want names I'll let you know :-)
I'm not selling ANYTHING, just some 'poor old audio sod' I am.

But lucky as it can get, I'm running an Orpheus in my system right now --- and keep on shaking my head, saying -incredible- all the time.
In fairness, I had listened to the likes of a Windfeld, Dorian, Axia, and etc. before, so no Koetsu which does little to answer your actual question.

Why not share your finding with your current Koetsu (I guess you are using one...)

I asked a similar question and got a similarly vague reply recently. I doubt that many have heard the different Urushi's. I had a Rosewood Signature that I loved, so do'nt listen to anyone saying you should avoid them, not directed at you Axel.
HiFiCritic, the ultra expensive, no adverts UK magazine recently did a Cartridge bake off and the Sky Blue Urushi won handsomly. Mind you, it was the most expensive.
If you are interested there are a couple of Urushi's on sale now on the Gon, for quite good prices. That is the only way I would get back into Koetsu, I could'nt afford new.