The advice to use a higher gain phono stage may be well taken and I agree it is probably not advisable to add a SUT to the PH7, but not because of noise. If there is a JFET at the input of the PH7, it is likely forming the bottom half of a cascode topology, with a 6922 tube on top. The gain comes from the combination of the JFET with the tube. Such a gain stage is actually very quiet. Or if there is no cascode, if the input gain is all coming from the JFET, that too is low noise.
jlutke notes that at least one Koetsu dealer lists the gain of the Vermillion at 0.4mV. I have to wonder therefore whether the gain listed at the Koetsu website, which was probably created by the US distributor, is possibly in error. Because never before have I read that the gain of any one Urushi model is any different from that of any other..
jlutke notes that at least one Koetsu dealer lists the gain of the Vermillion at 0.4mV. I have to wonder therefore whether the gain listed at the Koetsu website, which was probably created by the US distributor, is possibly in error. Because never before have I read that the gain of any one Urushi model is any different from that of any other..