Krell amps and Tube Preamps - enemies?

Wow! I never realized how difficult it would be to add tubes with a KRELL amp. I'm no engineer, and, I don't pretend to be into the "technical" side of the audio world. So I'll try to explain.

It seems that tube Preamps create DC. I've been told that DC will dammage my Krell amp (FPB400cx), and possibly my speakers(Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Sig, System 1 piece). UNLESS, I open the amp up and do something to the "jumpers on the digital board" . This puts some protection into the signal path. The Bad thing is, I'm told, - it also colors or degrades the audible signal coming thru the speakers. So, if I want to use my SS set up, say for SACD or DVD-V/DVD-A, I would have to open the amp up again and reverse the proceedure. This would remove the "blockage" in the signal path. :-( This of course, would have to be re-done when I want to go back to the tube setup. WHAT A PAIN!

Needless to say, this has thrown the proverbial 'wet blanket' on my tube enthusiasm. Is this problem common to ALL SS amps? Or is it just a KRELL thing?

Any thoughts would be helpful.
(This is part of a thread i started on the speaker threads, but i thought i might have more luck here on the "amp' Threads)
If there were such a beast as a SS amp which really sounded like tubes then the manufacturer would get a corner on the SS market (IMHO)! Some solid state amps that I have heard that come close that won't cost an arm and a leg are made by Muse and Plinius... I'm sure there are others. Personally, if I were going to have a SS amp in my system I'd find an older Threshold amp - the SA series. With your speakers the SA3 or SA2's would be great and they are not a problem with tubes - I used them for years w/o problems. I think they may well be the best amps Nelson Pass ever designed. By the way, I doubt that you will hear the insertion of the capacitor in the Krell unless you have everything else in your system optomized, with either a tube or SS pre-amp. Oh, an extra "by the way" DC offset from a CDP shouldn't be a problem - it should stop at your pre-amp, and even if it didn't the volume control would substantially reduce the signal if it did pass.
It seems as if BAT preamps are prone to this and if you wonder whether it damages amps, it might in the long run.

Check another thread of the same nature...
I use a BAT preamp and also First Sound preamp with my Krell 450 mono's without any problems.
You should call the manufacture of your preamp and ask them if your preamp leaks dc current. I called BAT and First sound and they told me that their preamp has no dc current leakage so it was safe to use.
Wvick - I think dammage DOES occur. I'm not sure what exactly happens, and I don't want to 'experiment' with my Krell.

Newbee - Thanks for the second BTW :-) I might just try a Tubed CDP. I wonder if the (Modded Exemplar, APL) 3910's counts as a tubed cdp?

Nickt - Great Idea. I haven't bought one yet. (good thing I suppose)
But I was considering an ARC "LS" or "SP" 16 (not sure of the difference) or a Cary SLP 2002. I'll contact them to see what they say. Thanks