@ jg2077
There is a good chance the existing 120V 15 amp convenience outlet branch circuit safety equipment ground is causing the ground loop hum. There is a good chance there is a difference of potential, voltage, between the convenience outlet safety equipment ground and the equipment grounds of the two 20 amp dedicated branch circuit outlets, for the power amps.
For a test try this.
Unplug all front end equipment ICs from the input jacks of the preamp. Including any phono ground wire.
All you want is the preamp connected to the two amps. Nothing else.
Check for ground loop hum through speakers. No hum? Post back.
If you still have the hum, for a test, connect a ground cheater between the plug of the preamp power cord and the wall outlet. Check for the hum. (Make sure the cheater plug ground wire, or lug, is isolated, insulated, from contacting the screw that holds on the wall outlet cover plate).
You can also use a 2 wire IEC power cord if you have one instead of using your existing preamp power cord. You won’t need a ground cheater then.
Check for hum.... If the hum is gone post back.