jg2077 12-12-2019 8:59 pm EST:
... the pre is plugged into a common 15A outlet; the amps are plugged into a dedicated 20A outlet and ALL else is unplugged. I still hear the same amount of hum.
I installed a "cheater plug" between the pre and wall outlet, I hear less hum than before, about 70% less. I cannot hear hum from my listening position (10ft) away....
jg2077 12-12-2019 10:14 pm EST:
I plugged EVERYTHING as before, with one exception, there is a "ground cheater " between the pre and power distributor. The hum is 50% less than first posted.
I tried both amps on the same outlet - no change.
Am I correct in understanding that in the first of these two experiments the preamp was plugged directly into the wall outlet, without the power conditioner? If not that should certainly be tried, as Lowrider had suggested earlier.
Jim (Jea48), thanks for the link and your comments about the power conditioner. I also looked at the writeups at the Silver Circle website about the 5.0 conditioner and also at the writeup about the 5.0se. Statements in the writeup about the 5.0se confirm that the 5.0 incorporates filtering of some sort, as you speculated, with inductors being specifically referred to (that are presumably in series with some combination of the hot conductor, neutral conductor, and perhaps even the safety ground conductor, on whichever side of the transformer). Without detailed information about the design I think that all we can say is that the conditioner **might** be contributing to a ground loop issue in this application. And as was suggested the hum should be assessed with the preamp plugged directly into the wall, with its inputs disconnected, if that hasn’t already been tried.
One other thing that seems worthy of note: The OP’s speakers have very low sensitivity (apparently 83 db, although it isn’t clear if that is on the basis of 1 watt or 2.83 volts; if the latter, given its 4 ohm nominal impedance the speaker is only 80 db/1 watt). So with speakers of average or higher sensitivity the hum would be much louder than what has been described. (In saying this I’m assuming that the amount of hum doesn’t vary as a function of the volume control setting).
Best regards,
-- Al