krell kct, pass labs xp 10 or 2.5, spectral?

Hello All, my current system is:
* B&W 801Nautilus (not diamond version)
* MIT speaker cables
* Mcintosch MC500 power amp
* Accuphase DP500 cd
* Levinson 38 preamp

The sound is not bad at all, never unnerving but it just does not emotionally involve me enough, the system doesn't dissappear enough and seems a bit slow. (I had active speakers before). I would like to hang on to my power amp and cd player (which I know are rather warm sounding both).
I just got the speakers, so could another preamp do the trick? I had Mcintosh c46 preamp in the same system and it sounded more open but more coloured? as if the same sauce was added to each music cd?
I can buy (all used) a Krell KCT for 2800 euro, a Pass Labs XP10 for 2700 euro, or a XP 2.5 for 1500, or a spectral dmc 12 for +-1400... O yes and a Nagra PLP for 4000 euro...
Which would u recommend to make me feel drawn emotionally into my music, where there seems to be no more system? I read many reviews but next to that there is also imput impedance that plays a big role? Please help. As all my options are used market ones, I dont have too much time to chose :)
THX guys!
B&W 801s are a bit slow by nature. I owned them. They need very powerful amplification and to be played loud to come alive. It is the speakers mostly, then the amps and preamp last based on you description.
Danielk is not speaking from experience. I took my KCT, which I have owned happily for the past ten years, to a friend's and we hooked it up to his Parasond JC-1s and it was magnificent. So absolutely, the KCT IS INDEED something special even without CAST.
I have a good friend with a Krell Current Tunnel preamp, and CD player. He's had both for years. He also owned the FPB 700C with cast. He's owned many Krell pieces.
The fact is the CAST feature is current based. And Krell implemented it with a very stiff power supply. The CAST system was designed to allow long interconnect runs, with no degredation of signal quality. These pieces run hot. If you don't have another CAST piece in the system, the CAST feature is not needed.
My friend still has the CAST pieces with a different amp.
He won't sell either piece.
I did not say the Krell CAST preamps don't sound good used with other gear. I did say the CAST feature is not of any use without another CAST piece in the chain.

Can you audition any of these, in your system?
That will give you the most important opinion, yours..