Krell or Anthem ???

Matter of fact, I really like my present amplify 180wpc Anthem A5. It's very liable, I use it mainly for both HT and 2-ch with no problem what so ever. But the bug is scratching my butt. Since I love 2-ch so much, I want more power for the TWO front speakers. An audio buddy of mine (very experienced gent) highly suggested NOT getting the top line 325wpc Anthem P5. “Go for a USED Krell”, he said.

I have collected and read many articles but I need inputs from the "real world" people, ones that already have had/used Krells. This thread is very specific but still, my apology is out if it's double posted.

1/ Please point out ALL differences between these two old Krell KAV-2250 and KSA-250? I'd like to know evthing about them, literally. (thanks, I already have specs from

2/ Can both of these Krells out-perform my 180wpc Anthem A5 in dynamic and sound quality?

3/ Can they also top out the flagship Anthem 325wpc model P5?
Fact: In paper, the P5 has much "beautiful" chart and numbers than the Krell's.

4/ Is it true that the 2-ch Krell KAV-2250 will have more effort/juice to push than its sister 3-ch KAV-3250 even both have same power output?

PM is welcome,

Greatly appreciated.
I bought a KAV2250 and a Theater Amplifier Standard(TAS) for my Home Theater/Music system last year. I originally had the KAV2250 hooked up to my L/R speakers and even though it was clear and had tons of power it really was not very musical.

My Krell dealer recommended that I hook up my TAS to my L/R speaker, since he felt that the TAS has better electronics in it than the KAV.

Wow, what a difference. The TAS, even though it is a 5 channel home theater amp is terrific. Much smoother and more musical. Could not be happier.

If you can find a TAS on sale here on Audiogon, I would recommend bi-amping to your 2 channel system. You would be surprised. $8k for a new one is too much, but $4k for a used one is a good deal.
Hi Dave,

I am just curious about the New Krell S300i....stomps the 400xi in what way if you could specify, appreciate it since the new unit has a smaller Toroid and less capacitors compared to the older 400xi. I did like the 400xi when I had it long ago, sparkling amplifier in many ways. I know it uses the new Evo technology but is it totaly different? since I know its a whole new from Ground up design from Krell.

>>Stomps the 400xi and blows away most of the competition under 10K<<

**Stomps the 400xi**
Big deal.

**Most of the competition under 10K**
That is part hyperbole with the balance being BS.

There are some incredible integrateds under $10K and to mention the 300xi and 400xi in the same breath as that competition is just plain silly.
Hi Dave, once again....
If you do get a chance to respond to my prior question with regards to the difference between the new S300i and the 400xi, we would truly value your opinion.

As much as I like Krell's power amplifiers, I've been underwhelmed by their intergrateds.