Krell or Plinius?

Hello everyone!
Im building my system and looking for an integrated amp. I think ill stick with used equipment due to financial reasons. I would like U to advice me which way to go? Krell KAV-400xi or Plinius 9200? My speakers are Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. I need a versatile system to play any kind of music. Which of those two would U recommend and why?

01-14-10: Elberoth2
400xi is very synergistic with Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand, or other Vienna Acoustics speakers for that matter. It is one of those combinations 'that work'.

However, if you want to have best of both worlds (400xi and Plinius) I would suggest geting the new Krell S300i.

Elberoth2 -> I was thinking about the new S300i, although i dont like the design and build quality comparing to 400xi. Did you have a chance to audition one or compare to 400xi? I think there is at least one member here on audiogon that changed his 400xi for s300i and came back to the 400 after all.
For what it's worth, I have the Krell 400xi and the Vienna Beethoven Concert Grands. They sound like they work together quite well. That said, if I had my way I'd buy something more powerful to drive these speakers, go figure.

I was thinking about the new S300i, although i dont like the design and build quality comparing to 400xi. Did you have a chance to audition one or compare to 400xi? I think there is at least one member here on audiogon that changed his 400xi for s300i and came back to the 400 after all.

That must have been Dave. I strongly disagree with his opinion, and so do several reviews I have read. I have 400xi and S300i on hand as I write.

IMO S300i is a much better amp than 400xi, more natural, less forced, with superior resolution and sound stage depth. Like you, I think 400xi is more handsome and its chassis is better build - S300i on the other hand is bigger, heavier and more feature packed.
I owned the 400xi and now the 9200, both paired with Totem Forest.
To me no comparison, the 9200 is way more musical, involving and give more material to the instruments. The 400xi is just too etheral and boring.