Krell Service

Love to hear turn around times you have recently experienced at the Krell factory service dept.
I have called Krell several time today but noone is picking up their phones.

VP Rhonda Cadwell did pick up the phone but when I said I was calling from Australia, she put down the phone. I redialed right after but the line was then diverted to voicemail.

I really needed to speak to someone as I need to get an estimate of repairs.

Not good.
Any idea what would make my Krell fpb350mcx amps make an aweful loud electrical discharge noise as heard through the speakers? This is when I switch to standby from amps being on. Thanks in advance.
Do both amps do it Derrick? Could be the power supply caps are going bad or it could be the switch is not muting the sound anymore.
Yes both amps do this.They are about 10 years old.Is this normal Krell life expectancy?