Kudos to Millersound

Just wanted to share my recent positive experience with Bill at Millersound for those who are needing a speaker repair service recommendation. As a Spendor owner since 1998, I had been listening to SP 1/2s really not realizing how stiff the rubber surrounds had become and how badly they were out of frquency spec. I braved UPS and sent in these irreplaceable drivers, and Bill returned them within 10 days with a perfectionist-level replacement of the butyl surrounds. They now sound like the day I bought them, i.e. I can once again hear tones below 80hz...Yes! Bill saved my beloved SP1/2s and has made listening to my music fun once again. Thank you, Millersound!


I am just curious...what would the cost of a new driver been compared to the repair?

In my case, the manufacturer is still around, but wanted $300 each for these drivers.  So, $600 plus shipping for (2) 7" drivers...I was flabbergasted at this price.  I thought maybe $70-$80 each.  Bill charged me about a third of that and IMHO, you couldn't tell the difference between these and a brand new pair.  These might even be better built?

A lot of the drivers I've sent Bill have no replacements, so it's him or the dumpster.  He has never let me down.

My HIGHEST recommendation!!!

Bill is awesome. He lives very close to me so I use to just drive my old speakers (JBL Monitors) down to him and have him install new foam or tweeters. Incredibly cheap for the services I had done. I can understand why he has so much business that he rarely gets a day off. His work ethic and craftsmanship are 2nd to none. You can check out an old review done on him on the 6 Moons site. Im incredibly blessed to have him located so close to me.

+1 on bill at millersound being among the very best

he restored a set of woofers for my spendor sp1/2e’s - he said he was using a strong yet compliant german surround material and the speakers would play even nicer than the originals as a result

i obviously didn’t have the originals in new condition to compare anymore, but i really think the speakers sounded better, dug a little deeper into the details and nuances in the mids and bass when i reinstalled the rehabbed woofers

and all that at a very reasonable price... 🙇‍♂️🤗

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