La Scala II problem

Just a few days ago I received my new La Scala II's unboxed them and set them up. I noticed that from one speaker there was only a faint music signal coming from the HF box and nothing from the LF. I verifed connections and swapped the speakers - the issue followed the speaker. I pulled the jumpers off today and once again on the HF taps - only a faint sound and when on the LF taps no sound. Tech support has suggested that this may be a network issue, but aren;t these things tested prior to leaving? The boxes were shipped via a dealer so there were no UPS or FED-EX abuse issues.

Any thoughts or suggestion would be much appreciated.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdeadlift
All very true, but for the dealers benefit he merely delivers the product still intact. These are tested at the factory. I'm sure that if I wasn't so inpatient the dealer would have eventually come out to repair.
I did pull the back cover off as instructed by Klipsch tech support and sure enough one of the leads was disconnected how that happened I have my thoughts but can't be sure. However now I have a functioning speaker and life is good.
I'm very glad you have the issue straightened out, but FYI - even if a dealer has something drop shipped directly to you, the reason the speakers are being sold through a dealer as opposed to factory-direct is that the dealer is being paid to handle customer service. You are paying the dealer a healthy margin and they should be happy to help you resolve any issues. That's what they're paid for. Take advantage of the services you are buying. BTW, I hope you enjoy the speakers. I recall listening to Klipshorns in my youth and, while they did have certain horn colorations, they had an impact and immediacy that was very nice to listen to. Enjoy.